Jim Parsons Is To Blame For The End Of “The Big Bang Theory”

August 23, 2018 / Posted by:

Welp, like Geri Halliwell did to the Spice Girls before him, Jim Parsons has ruined his hugely popular, high-paying gig for the rest of those losers. Sorry suckers!

It was reported that CBS’ The Big Bang Theory, one of the highest rated shows on TV, was finally ending after its 12th season. When it does end, the show will be the longest-running multi-camera comedy series ever to exist. Some were wondering why the show is ending since people still watch it and not to mention those big-ass motherfucking paychecks the actors were collecting. I mean, a million an episode? I would be working there until the GRAVE, honey. Well it just wasn’t enough for one of these nerds. Specifically main nerd: Sheldon.

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Jim turned down $1 million an episode, and a chunk of profits, to avoid staying on The Big Bang Theory for two more years. He would have pulled in around $50 million had he signed on. How much money do these people have? Can you imagine turning down $50 million? Like: “Nah, I’m good: I got another $50 million in the bank.” What is that like? What is that life like?

According to sources “there is no show without Dr. Sheldon Cooper”, and so the season finale next spring will be the show’s last.

Because of how hugely popular his show and character were, Jim Parsons’s career blew the fuck up. He won four Emmys and a Golden Globe, landed a bunch of film and broadway stuff. He’s been on the grind, girl, and now he’s ready to peace out to the Maldives or wherever uber rich people live out their luxurious lifestyles.

Enjoy this last season of million-dollar checks, Jim! I would tell you to save your money because people sometimes go broke after their hugely-popular television series ends. But I doubt Jim will one day end up penniless. This show will be rerunning in syndication every weekday afternoon until the apocalypse!

Pic: Wenn.com.

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