The “Time’s Up” Movement Turns Its Attention To Cancelling R. Kelly

April 30, 2018 / Posted by:

Robert Sylvester Kelly recently posted a message apologizing to his fans after a concert in his hometown of Chicago was canceled. R. Kelly said he was sorry that his stank breath and stinky cheese feet were so putrid, the CDC had to get involved and shut his show down. Haha, I’m kidding. His concert got shut down because the women of the Time’s Up movement have joined with the #muteRkelly campaign and his ass is FINALLY on the verge of getting cancelled.

According to The Associated Press, “Time’s Up cited Bill Cosby’s conviction” as “a step in the right direction” but that it was “just a start”. Now stars like Ava Duvernay, Kerry Washington, John Legend, Alyssa Milano, Shonda Rhimes and many, many others have signed on to demand R. Kelly be investigated for his alleged crimes and for a general boycott of his music and concerts.

The #muteRkelly campaign is not new. It was started in July of 2017 by a woman named Oronike Odeleye who, at the time, started a petition to keep Kelly’s music from being played on the radio in Atlanta.

As previously noted, the #muteRkelly campaign has already successfully shut down an upcoming appearance by the crusty golem of Chi-Town.

Here’s Kelly’s heartfelt and contrite apology for all the lives he’s ruined.

Kelly’s next show is Greensboro Coliseum on May 11. Times not up just yet, tickets are still available.

But the clock is ticking.

Tick, motherfuckin, tock.


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