Helena Bonham Carter Moves From Hogwarts To The Palace

January 5, 2018 / Posted by:

The best thing that ever happened (in my opinion) to THE QUEEN & Co. is The Crown, as it showed all of us commoners that those royals are just as fucked in the head as the rest of us. While Claire Foy may have dominated awards season with her portrayal of QE2 as the ultimate cock block of a big sister, Vanessa Kirby was robbed in her tackling the Buckingham Palace booze bag that is the queen’s little sis Princess Margaret.

Since the producers of the show are insistent on shaking up the cast every two seasons to accurately portray aging, Vanessa won’t be around next season to light up, toss back a G&T, and deliver a catty comment in the direction of the throne. But have no fear: she’s getting replaced with an equally legendary wack-a-doodle doo: Helena Bonnham Carter!

The Evening Standard reports HBC is oh-so-close to taking the role of the jaded Windsor sister, and I couldn’t give a more elated golf clap at this casting. Princess Margaret was a fashion icon in her day, and so is HBC (in my head) when she arrives to events wearing a scrap of fabric from every film set she’s worked on. Princess Margaret was known for her extramarital canoodling, and HBC basically made extramarital canoodling a part-time job back in the day. HBC also has a personal connection to the late princess, as her home was once owned by Margaret’s old lady-in-waiting.

Helena was rumored to be in the running to place QE2, and she previously played the Queen Mother in The King’s Speech. At this rate, I just hope she keeps reappearing in later seasons of the show so she takes on the role of every member of the family. HBC as a Corgi in the series finale will be what lands her the Emmy!

Pic: Wenn.com

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