Corey Feldman Named Actor Jon Grissom As One Of His Alleged Abusers

November 3, 2017 / Posted by:

There’s been a new development in Corey Feldman’s one-man pedo-exposing crusade. While looking like he just stepped out of the Kardashian Christmas card, Corey appeared on Dr. Oz yesterday, and in a move that probably stunned the frosted hi-lites off Judy Haim, he named a name.

Corey says that one of his alleged molesters is former actor Jon Grissom, whose acting resume is limited to two small parts in 1988’s License to Drive and 1989’s Dream a Little Dream. Corey identified Jon after Dr. Oz held up a picture of Jon on his phone. Corey says that Jon has pictures of the two of them (and some with Corey Haim) on his Myspace and Facebook pages. Corey hates that, and considers it Jon’s way of “taunting” him and “flaunting” what he did.

Corey believed that Jon Grissom was living in Mexico. Dr. Oz later did some research and released a video after the show stating that Jon appeared to be living in California, served time in prison in 2003 for child molestation, and that he never registered as a sex offender.

This news isn’t exactly the EXPOSÉ Corey promised. In his 2013 memoir Coreyography, he talks about being molested by a guy named “Ron Crimson.” That was obviously a pseudonym for Jon Grissom. With a little internet sleuthing, it was definitely a solvable mystery.

The same sort of goes for Corey’s alleged second molester. During a recent appearance on Megyn Kelly Today, Corey hinted that his second alleged abuser used to run a club for children in Hollywood, and now works as an employee of the L.A. Dodgers. Corey is most likely referring to the private celebrity kid club Alphy’s Soda Pop Club, ran by Alphy Hoffman. In Coreyography, Corey writes about a creep namedRalph Kaufman.

Corey and Dr. Oz also talked about him naming names outside of his $10 million pedo-exposing film. Corey and Dr. Oz called the LAPD about the possibility of Corey giving them a list. The LAPD informed E! News that there are no open investigations, but they have encouraged Corey to come in and file a report in person. Due to the statute of limitations, they can only open investigations, but can’t prosecute anyone.

There’s one person in this whole situation who really gets the short end of the stick, and that’s Myspace. Damn, poor Myspace – it’s basically the internet’s shame graveyard now. I bet when Dr. Oz pulled up that gross picture of Jon Grissom on his phone, Myspace was crossing its fingers like “No no no, please don’t be a pic from MySpace…“. Myspace, the place for old pictures that will bum you out.

Pic: YouTube

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