A Very Pregnant Ciara Was Involved In A Car Accident

March 10, 2017 / Posted by:

TMZ says that Ciara, seen above last month looking very pregnant with the baby she made with Russell Wilson, was involved in a car accident this afternoon in Los Angeles. This situation sounds like something Lifetime is currently fighting the Hallmark channel over for the movie rights to.

Witnesses say Ciara was making a left turn in her Mercedes SUV when a driver in another SUV slammed into the front passenger side of her vehicle. Ciara reportedly didn’t suffer any serious injuries. Witnesses did claim to see Ciara clutching her chest and shoulder, but on the upside, she was seen walking around and talking on her phone after the accident.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that Ciara and the other driver exchanged info, and that was that. Russell Wilson made sure to let everyone know Ciara and baby are ok.

Feeling great? That’s an understatement. I’ve been told you can induce labor with a bumpy car ride, so Ciara is lucky she didn’t leave a puddle of amniotic fluid in her seat when she exited the vehicle. And Ciara may be feeling great, but I can’t imagine the other driver is feeling very good. T-boning a very pregnant famous person and having the messy aftermath documented by TMZ is not a position you want to be in. It’s going to be an awkward weekend for that driver. “So Steve, how was your week? You know, besides almost making Ciara give birth in the middle of an intersection.

Pic: Wenn.com

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