Jon Gosselin Might Be Trying To Get Joint Custody Of His Kids

December 1, 2016 / Posted by:

For the past several years, Jon Gosselin (seen above with his look-alike brother) and his ex-wife (and high-class hair pioneer/career harpy) Kate Gosselin have worked out a custody agreement so that their 8 kids have visitation with him while she has full physical custody. Every once in awhile, Jon seems to pop his head out of his Ed Hardy-lined gopher hole to tell the world that he wants more time with his kids. Unfortunately for him, it seems the feeling isn’t entirely mutual and his 15-year-old twin daughters Mady and Cara hit him with a very public “No Thanks” back in August. But Jon won’t let that stop him from trying to get joint custody.

InTouch claims to have a “source” (Kate Gosselin with a voice modulator) who spilled this about Jon trying to get custody:

Jon Gosselin is asking a judge for joint custody of twins of twins Cara and Mady, 16, and sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel and Leah, 12 … He’s also demanding to know where the Kate Plus 8 star sent their special-needs son, Collin, whom Jon says he hasn’t seen in more than 18 months.

“The judge is ordering psychological evaluations of all eight kids and for both Kate and Jon before heading to trial,” the source continued. “Jon hopes the judge will meet with all the kids privately in his chambers, without Kate, to find out [the truth] and what they really want.”

Last time I checked, Jon had just moved out of a cabin in the woods and was living in some normal-sized apartment — you know, the kind that don’t comfortably fit 8 children and 1 adult. His brood doesn’t seem like they’re kicking through Kate’s electrified fences to get more time with Jon either. So my best guess is that he’s trying once again, and likely failing, at getting under Kate’s ice cold lizard skin. Parenting magazines may want to take note: this is how it’s done.

Pic: Instagram

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