Robert Downey Jr. Is A Dad Again (UPDATE)

November 5, 2014 / Posted by:

After being pregnant for what felt like a hot second (I swear the announcement came out last week), Robert Downey Jr.’s wife Susan has evicted the baby living rent-free in her body for the past 9 months. Those babies – such freeloaders! People says that Susan and Iron Man are now the parents to a baby girl who was born in Los Angeles. Baby Downey Jr. joins Susan and DRJ’s two-and-a-half year old son Exton Elias and RDJ’s 21-year-old son Indio.

So far, RDJ hasn’t said anything about his new baby friend on Twitter or Facebook, but when he does, it will no doubt be very Robert Downey Jr.-y. However, the thing I’m looking most forward to is that baby’s name! When RDJ first confirmed that he’d busted another bareback Iron Man nut into his wife, he joked: “Yo. Susan. Me. Baby. Girl. November. Scorpio?“, and I really hope he meant he planned on naming that baby Scorpio. Look, I know it has everything to do with the fact that her due date was between October 24th and November 22nd, but just let me believe! Scorpio Downey is a hot name! It sounds like an alias used by a devastatingly glamorous aspiring soap opera star-turned-British spy. Scorpio Downey knows all your secrets, but Scorpio Downey will never talk. NEVAH!!!

Not to mention it works perfectly with the other two kids’ names. Indio, Exton, and Scorpio – how dramatic! It sounds like the most successful law firm in Hell, which is always what you should be going for when you name your kids, right?

UPDATE: Pour one out for Scorpio Downey, the hot name that was never meant to be. RDJ justĀ tweeted that the name of his new baby girl is Avri Roel Downey, and she was born yesterday morning. Avri Roel? It’s no Scorpio, but it kind of sounds like a drunk chick trying to pronounce Axl Rose, and I can get behind that.

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