Britney Contiues To Top Herself

July 4, 2007 / Posted by:
Britney Spears wrote an apology letter to the paparazzi agency x17 for the infamous "umbrella incident." This was the incident where she flipped out after shaving off her hair and attacked one of the cars of the paps with an umbrella. She broke on of the windows. Well, she wrote them a beautiful and touching letter.
Dear x17,
I want to apologize for the past incedent with the umbrella. I was preparing a character for a possible movie role where the husband doesn't play his part so they swap places. Unfortunatly I didn't get the part. I'm sorry I got alil carried away with my role!
She spells as well as I do!  How does this bitch think these things up? It's surprising that her two retarded brain cells come up with this shit.
What's funny is it's probably true. A movie will come out just like this and we'll all fill (how Britney would spell it) stoopid (againt how Brit would spell it) for laughing at her. 
Click here to see Britney's beautiful writing
Image: GoftA
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