Category: Nicole Richie

The CAPTION THIS Contest WINNER For May 30th!

May 31, 2013 / Posted by:

I can’t believe it’s not Sparta! – cs182


Facing limited career options once he reached his 20s, the yellow Sour Patch Kid became Calvin Klein’s latest golden-headed twink boy. – Trixster

News flash, the butter face brigade does exist, and surprisingly, it isn’t headed by Tori Spelling. – Emeriesan

Demi was having the time of her life with her new paid for piece. Sadly, she didn’t realize until it was too late that Vaseline dissolves Trojans. – MrsPotatoHead

via Metro

The CAPTION THIS Contest WINNER For May 29th!

May 30, 2013 / Posted by:

Blind item…Even though they told us she was staying at The Betty Ford Clinic, we found out that she is really staying at The Gold Mine “labs” Ranch. – Michael Martinez


The reason behind Liam and Miley’s break-up emerges – a difference of opinion on living arrangements. – whatyoulookinat

In an effort to expand its membership into rural America, the Scientologists purchased the most expansive compound money can buy in Mississippi. – Zombabe

♫”I’ll use my cock to pick the lock” said Barnacle Bill the sailor, “I just got paid, you’re gonna get laid” said Barnacle Bill the sailor …♪ – OurMissC

via Izismile

The CAPTION THIS Contest WINNER For May 28th!

May 29, 2013 / Posted by:

Hugh was warned early in his Hollywood career, if you want to make it here, get yourself a six pack and a beard. Eventually he caught on. – daisy100


Toby brings the refreshments for the night’s GIRLS marathon. – H321

Not to be outdone, Pete Doherty showed up the next day with a bottle of Bacardi 151 braided into his armpit hair. – SANS FARDS

via Tosh.0

The CAPTION THIS Contest WINNER For May 24th!

May 28, 2013 / Posted by:

In an effort to counter all the bad press they’ve been receiving on GMO’s, Monsanto decides to launch a charitable PR campaign to benefit Locks of Love. – Danasaurus Sex


“I whip my cheese back and forth…I whip my cheese back and forth” – zocalo1

Last time I keep Rogaine in the refrigerator. – ProfessorVP

via Break

The CAPTION THIS Contest WINNER For May 23rd!

May 24, 2013 / Posted by:

Minutes later, a float of a tough English schoolgirl beat up this float for trying to copycat Taylor Swift. – RandéSleepover


Does this dress make my pussy look fat? – zocalo1

Having retired his position of City Correspondent at SNL, Stefon quickly found a new way to keep midgets in his life. – BaconSlut

via Cheezburger

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