Birthday Sluts

October 26, 2022 / Posted by:
Cary Elwes (60)
Morgan Saylor (28)
Sasha Cohen (38)
Folake Olowofoyeku (39)
Toya Wright (39)
Jon Heder (45)
Florence Kasumba (46)
Seth MacFarlane (49)
Phaedra Parks (49)
Rosemarie DeWitt (51)
Anthony Rapp (51)
Keith Urban (55)
Steve Valentine (56)
Tom Cavanagh (59)
Natalie Merchant (59)
Dylan McDermott (61)

Pic: 20th Century Fox

Julie Dawn Cole (65)
Rita Wilson (66)
Neil Meron (67)
D.W. Moffett (68)
James Pickens, Jr. (68)
Bootsy Collins (71)
Julian Schnabel (71)
Hillary Clinton (75)
Pat Sajak (76)
Jaclyn Smith (77)
Bob Hoskins (1942-2014)
Shelley Morrison (1936-2019)
Jackie Coogan (1914-1984)
Mahalia Jackson (1911-1972)
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