Erika Jayne Of “Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills” Reacts To Her Ex-Husband Giving $300K To His Alleged Side Piece For A Beach House

September 1, 2022 / Posted by:

On Tuesday, Erika Jayne of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills got a win in her never-ending legal battle over her estranged husband Tom Girardi’s alleged scheming ways. Two of Tom’s ex-colleagues, attorneys Philip R. Sheldon and Robert P. Finn, sued Erika in a $5 million fraud lawsuit for aiding and abetting Tom in his alleged embezzlement crimes. But Los Angeles Judge Richard Fruin ruled that there’s no evidence that Erika participated in Tom’s scam. Philip and Robert plan to appeal that ruling. So that’s one win for Erika, but recently, she also got hit with the news that Tom used stolen funds on his alleged mistress Judge Tricia A. Bigelow for a beach house. And Erika is not happy about it.

According to Us Weekly, as more information comes out about Tom’s dirty dealings the money that was supposed to go to the victims of a plane crash has been popping up in different ways. And one of those ways was in his alleged mistress’ bank account, which saw a thirty-thousand dollar swell when he gifted her money that went towards her beach house. And it was money that was recently unnoticed until now.

According to court documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Tom used settlement money intended for Girardi Keese clients in the wire transfer in 2015.

Bigelow’s lawyer told the outlet that the former judge was unaware that Tom was allegedly taking money from his clients, noting that the transfer “was NOT marked as coming from a [Girardi Keese] trust account.” The attorney added that Tom “never shared anything with her regarding the source of any gifts.”

Well DUH! The married man you were having an affair with was dishonest? Grab me a pair of pearls so I can clutch them in disgust. However, Tricia’s legal team claims that once she found out she needed to return Tom’s gifts she immediately handed over everything. And as for Erika, she found out about Tom’s generous donation of a beachfront property during testimony last month, and the only words she could muster up were “Fuck Me.” The shock and surprise wore off enough for her to spit out more words after the LA Times piece was published. She shared a post to her Instagram where she admitted to knowing about other trinkets and procedures Tom bestowed upon Tricia, but not the beach house.

All of this is pretty messy, so be careful with the words you speak into the universe ladies and gentlemen. And hopefully, Erika won’t have a lapse in judgment and try to move into Tricia’s beach house since it was allegedly purchased with Tom’s money. Because instead of being an enigma wrapped in cash, she’ll be wrapped in a blanket sleeping on the beach.

Pic: INSTARImages

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