Christina Applegate Has Revealed That She Was Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis

August 10, 2021 / Posted by:

In an ideal, just, not-shitty world, this update regarding Christina Applegate’s life might be that someone in Hollywood has greenlit a sequel to The Sweetest Thing, or better yet, View from the Top (one of my favorite pieces of much-maligned cinema). But this news is the opposite. It’s the awful revelation that Christina Applegate – who has already gone through entirely too much, medical-wise – was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Christina, who turns 50 this November, broke the news on Twitter earlier today, saying that she was diagnosed with MS a few months ago, adding that it’s going to be a tough journey and that she’d appreciate some privacy while she navigates it all.

Christina’s The Sweetest Thing co-star Selma Blair revealed nearly three years ago that she has been living with MS for fifteen years. I hope that one of Christina’s friends with MS is Selma because Selma seems like an excellent resource and beacon of support for those living with MS. And also, because it’s as close to a Sweetest Thing reunion we’re ever going to get.

One single MS diagnosis is jarring enough for the average person. But as People magazine points out, this is far from the first time Christina has sat down with a medical professional and received devastating health news:

[Christina Applegate] has faced several health concerns through the years, including a breast cancer diagnosis in 2008 followed by a double mastectomy, having her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed in 2017 as a precautionary measure as she carries the BRCA1 gene mutation that causes a heightened risk of developing cancer, surgery-induced menopause in 2018, and a long battle with insomnia.

Christina announced she was breast cancer-free in 2008, and now she has MS to deal with. Again, if we lived in a fair and perfect world, MS could be cured with a single Bundy Bounce, but unfortunately, it’s handled and managed with medicine and science. Although I’m sure sending good thoughts and positive energy couldn’t hurt. Especially if you’re someone who has ever been influenced by 90s fashion icons Kelly Bundy or Sue Ellen Crandell. Take a moment and send some supportive vibes to your queen.


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