The Pioneer Woman And Her Family Basically Own Oklahoma

November 14, 2017 / Posted by:

I always assumed Ree Drummond AKA The Pioneer Woman who loves gravy was fake, fake, fake. However, according to Daily Mail, she’s real. Real rich that is! Turns out her family just made #23 on the list of 100 largest landowners in the United States.

The Daily Mail reports:

In its annual list of America’s 100 largest landowners, The Land Report reveals that as of 2016 the Drummond Family owns an astonishing 433,000 acres of property. Drummond, her husband Ladd and their four teenage children make their home just two hours down the road from Oklahoma City in Pawhuska, which is where her husband Ladd’s family put down roots four generations ago.

They also earn about $2 million dollars a year from the federal government for allowing wild horses and burros to roam their land. It’s hard for me to imagine what 433,000 acres looks like. I’m a city girl so unless you tell me in square feet, you might as well be speaking European. Is an acre roughly the size of an average 7-Eleven? 433,000 7-Elevins sounds like a lot. Thankfully, the Daily Mail has broken it down in a way I can understand.

The Drummonds’ total property extends over 675 square miles of land, which is over half the size of Rhode Island and would be the seventh largest city in total area in the United States, just behind Butte (716 sq. miles) and ahead of Oklahoma City (606 sq. miles).

Hhhm. That doesn’t actually help much. What is a Rhode Island? This news really chafes my hide because I thought Ree’s whole rancher’s wife schtick was a put-on. How are names like Ree and Ladd Drummond not made up in some Deadwood Extra Name Generator machine? I’ve seen this lady on TV and she don’t impress me much. I much prefer her (presumed) arch nemesis Ina Garten. In my active fantasy life, Ina and Ree get pitted against each other in a dinner party death-match. Ina rides on her husband Jeffrey’s shoulders Master Blaster style, pummels Ree with crab cakes and sprays champagne in her eyes. Ree retaliates with a ladleful of piping hot mac and cheese to the groin. In the end, Ina delivers a death blow by choking Ree out with a cashmere scarf. This scenario is way easier for me to picture than whatever 433,000 acres looks like.

Pic: Instagram

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