Category: Amelia Earhart

BREAKING NEWS: Amelia Earhart Probably Died On A Deserted Island

November 1, 2016 / Posted by:

Amelia Earhart’s plane crashed in 1937 and ever since then, humanity has spent a lot of time and money on trying to find out exactly how and when her soul flew up into the afterworld. As many of us were told by our history teachers while we thought about what we were going to have for lunch, it has long been believed that Amelia Earhart died when her plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean. But now a team of researchers (led by Detective Courtney Love, I’m sure) have reason to believe that Amelia survived the plane crash and died later on a deserted island. Great, now an executive from ABC is going to call J.J. Abrams and say that it’s been 6 years since Lost ended and that’s plenty of time to reboot it as Lost: Amelia Earhart’s Final Days.

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