We May Be Living In a Selena Gomez-Less Magazine And Social Media Era

September 24, 2018 / Posted by:

Hell hath no fury like a pop starlet hiding behind the cloak of “But I was misquoted!!!” When Selena Gomez sat down with Elle to chat about an anti-human trafficking organization she volunteers for and her upcoming album, it didn’t seem like anything was too inflammatory. I mean, I go in wishing for her to say something fun like “Hailey Baldwin can S my D!” or “Taylor Swift’s squad fell, and I’m the last bitch standing” and am always disappointed with the verbal NyQuil she says instead. Well, Selena was still pissed over Elle talking about her church and potential song lyrics off the new album, so she might be retaliating by never going on a magazine cover again AND taking a break from social media. Oh noooooooo…

Entertainment Tonight is out with a report saying Selena was that annoying friend on social media who posts a cryptic post about how they hate all the attention they get on social media and will be leaving social media. Social media. See for yourself:


A dime in the Elle interview is that Selena tries to steer clear of the big bad world. One way she achieves that is by not having any apps on her phone and just updates her Instagram (which she doesn’t have the password to) from her friend’s phone. But what if that friend doesn’t want Selena to see what filthy Tinder messages they have coming in? Does that friend then put their apps on their friend’s phone? What kind of inefficient game of musical apps does this circle run in?!

Selena says she does that to avoid mean shit coming from people on Instagram, 99% of that I’m sure is just Hailey commenting, “I got the ring and you didn’t!” She must have realized that would have caused a backlash because she also put this up:

She also posted a video of her watching Step Brothers about four hours after the social media break post, so maybe that’s all she needed for reflection time? ONTD also tells us Selena did a long-ass Instagram Live session over the weekend where she blabbed again (kinda) about how shitty she thought the Elle interview was and how she might get back by never going on a magazine cover again (again…does that Coach check mean nothing to you?!):

“I try to say things in an interview for an hour, I’m talking to someone and I’m thinking it’s really good, you’re here, you’re experiencing things and then next thing you know…it’s not anyone’s fault, people just want to get people’s attention but I don’t really understand why…I just wanted to be real with you. Cause I don’t feel like being on another magazine cover ever again. It just…it doesn’t matter.”

She says “I don’t care” at least every eight seconds in the livestream, so I really hope every magazine editor just replies to Selena with, “And we don’t care for you, dear, and there are eight Kardashians born each minute who will gladly fill those covers for you! OK, fine, it’s just Kim, but still!

Pic: Wenn.com

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