Open Posted: Hosted By Gaddafi’s Condi Rice Fap Book

August 25, 2011 / Posted by:

When rebels broke into Stunt Queen Gaddafi’s compound, they found a closet full of a glamorous mess wardrobe inspired by Dorothy Zbornak and Liberace’s favorite fainting couch. But the best thing they found was an entire scrapbook book devoted to Condoleezza Rice. There was page after page of up-close pictures of Condi. Gaddafi said that he was taken by the “black woman of African origin” when their eyes met during a visit in 2008.

I don’t need CNN to tell me that they also found a light pink Pee Chee folder with “Mr. Muammar Rice” written in a strawberry-scented glitter marker, a mix-tape of boy band love songs he titled “Gaddaleeza Fo EVA” and a video where he says he hopes they have a bunch of chubby gap-toothed babies together. Too bad their love can never be. A breaking Gaddafi heart sounds just like jizz stuck picture pages getting torn apart by a rebel.

Source: MSNBC via Buzzfeed

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