Category: Four Loko

Four Loko Is Getting Into The Spiked Seltzer Business

August 15, 2019 / Posted by:

Four Loko is breaking into the hard seltzer game, sort of like the way a bear breaks into your car: aggressively and with a vague notion that they are doing something wrong but don’t give a fuck! Four Loko has come for the White Claws and the Trulys of the hard seltzer word by making a booze drink with a real Four Loko-level of alcohol in it. One can will have 14% alcohol, compared to White Claw’s and Truly’s 5% ABV.

So, I’m not a mathematician but each can is basically a bottle of wine, and if you drink a six-pack, well, you might suffer from an embarrassing case of having to slur, “Um, some Four Loko hard seltzers,” to the doctor who is treating you for alcohol poisoning at the ER.

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