Lana Del Rey Canceled Her European Tour And May Have Broken Up With Her Cop Boyfriend

February 20, 2020 / Posted by:

Sad news for my fellow depressed gays with daddy issues: Lana Del Rey has canceled her European tour due to the sicks. On top of that, she may have broken up with that police officer she was dating. So we no longer need to reconcile Lana singing about the intimate details of the cocaine trade while also dating the 5-0.

Pitchfork says that Lana lost her voice and cannot let out an Ambien witch yodel night after night on tour. The first European leg of Lana’s Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour was supposed to start in Amsterdam tomorrow. But she gave a statement on the sudden cancellation (via BBC):

Sorry to let everyone down so last minute but this illness has taken me by surprise and have totally lost my singing voice. The doctor has advised four weeks off for the moment. I hate to let everyone down but I need to get well. Love Lana.”

There hasn’t been any word on whether the shows will be rescheduled, but one of the places she was playing, Manchester Arena, offered refunds on Twitter. So it doesn’t seem like that show will be rescheduled anytime soon. 

However, Lana does have a bunch of festival shows later this year and those dates seem to be unaffected.

Meanwhile, ONTD thinks Lana may have broken up with that silver daddy cop she was dating. Lana stans on Twitter have been paying attention, and it seems she’s deleted all the pictures of Sgt. Sean “Sticks” Larkin–except one of them backstage at a show. And on Valentine’s Day, Lana only posted a picture of her and her girls:

That’s that! A famous woman doesn’t delete a man from her socials unless they’re broken up or she’s sending him a message. I knew this love could never last–Lana is a ride or die who counts a man’s ill-gotten money, not a police officer’s wife!


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