Category: Shelly Miscavige

The Church Of Scientology Is Being Sued For Kidnapping, Human Trafficking, And A Slew Of Other Alleged Crimes

June 26, 2019 / Posted by:

I hope Leah Remini is having a great day and is kicking back somewhere with an icy cold glass of pinot gris and cackling at the news that one of the participants of her Emmy award-winning show Scientology and The Aftermath, has filed a lawsuit against the Church of Scientology, David Misgave, and “25 other unnamed correspondents”, according to Rolling Stone.

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Shelly Miscavige Was Reportedly Spotted Looking “Frail” Near A Scientology Compound

December 16, 2016 / Posted by:

One of the main things that made Leah Remini’s Thetan-infused brainwashed brain snap out of it and go into “Something in the barley water is fucked up” mode was when she got in trouble for casually asking about Shelly Miscavige, her friend and the wife of Scientology’s head queen David Miscavige. At the 2006 wedding of Scientology’s golden prince Tom Cruise and his then beard robot Katie Holmes, Leah noticed that Shelly wasn’t there and when she asked, she was told to shut her lips because she doesn’t have the Xenudamn rank to ask about other Scientologists. Leah and others never saw Shelly again.

When Leah quit the cult of crazy, she filed a missing persons report on Shelly with the LAPD. The LAPD eventually stamped “unfounded” on the missing persons report and declared that Shelly was not missing. That was in 2013 and Shelly has reportedly not be seen since then, until semi-recently.

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