Category: Derek J

Like A Ladle Full Of Extra Sweet Honey

September 6, 2010 / Posted by:

The City of Atlanta was glazed with a thick layer of glitter and the nectar from a million gay flowers (that’s redundant, right?) when the one and only Derek J sashayed through a gay pride party at Traxx on Saturday night. Any bitch walking directly behind Derek J suffered third-degree burns from the sparkly sparks jumping off the tips of his stilettos every time he stomped on the floor. And there’s power behind Derek J’s heels, because he could break down a chicken and roll a mound of silicone into a dildo with those legs!

Here’s more of the candy apple in heels giving bitches fever from the sight of his delectable titties and peek-a-boo nalgas. If you want to baste your eyeballs with even more of Derek J’s sticky sweetness, visit FreddyO.

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