Cardi B Used To Drug And Rob Men

March 26, 2019 / Posted by:

Over the weekend, Cardi B admitted that during her strippers days, her money moves included the illegal variety. Apparently, Cardi wasn’t just paying her bills through bouncing that phat ass up and down–she also had a side hustle. That hustle was an actual hustle: she would drug and rob men.

Cardi spilled the tea on herself during an Instagram Live session. She said some sort of exciting things, like she plans on writing a book about her life (which I’m sure will be ghost-written or heavily-edited because: no way) and then she admitted to her ho life of crime. When talking about how she worked so hard to get to where she got to, she let it slip that she would take things all the way and used to drug and rob men:

“I had to go strip, I had to go, ‘Oh yeah, you want to fuck me? Yeah yeah yeah, let’s go back to this hotel,’ and I drugged niggas up and I robbed them. That’s what I used to do.”

Here’s a clip of her yelling in her bathroom (I’m assuming) in a sweet-ass grandma shower cap:

After saying this, people on social media lost their minds. Many pointed out that this is illegal–drugging and stealing from dudes you lured to a room with the promise of sex–and people started the hashtag #SurvivingCardiB. Cardi B ended up responding today by saying that she’s not proud of some of the things she’s done, and as she got her assistant to type this up, I’m sure many of her past “marks” got together for a class action lawsuit.

But what did Cardi drug them with? She got a hook up for propofol? I guess we’ll find out how this all shakes out if anybody comes forward to claim they were a victim of Cardi B’s scamming lifestyle. Until then, I’d avoid any drinks Cardi B offers up.


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